The magnificent medieval beauty of Arezzo

The magnificent medieval beauty of Arezzo


Set in the rural heart of Eastern Tuscany, and despite not having the historical heritage of its sisters Lucca and Florence, Arezzo preserves a beautiful medieval town and a pleasant lifestyle, hiding also charming corners that still remind of its splendid past. This town, which was home to geniuses like Petrarca, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca and Vasari, becomes today key to discover the more rugged face of the so-called region with the soft hills. It also became a lucumonia, that is to say, one of the twelve capitals that shaped the Etruscan League. Due to the quality of its clays, Arezzo was famous for its ceramics. Additionally, many scenes from the film Life is Beautiful by Roberto Benigni were filmed there, too.

Arezzo: magnífica belleza medieval

Nos adentramos en el corazón rural de la Toscana Oriental. Arezzo, a pesar de no tener la herencia histórica de sus hermanas Lucca y Florencia, conserva un precioso casco medieval y un estilo de vida plácido y agradable. Cuna de genios como Petrarca, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca y Vasari, y enclave necesario para conocer el rostro más agreste de la región de las suaves colinas, Arezzo llegó a ser una lucumonia, es decir, una de las doce capitales que formaban la Liga Etrusca. El negocio que hizo famosa a Arezzo fue la cerámica, debido sobre todo a la calidad de sus arcillas. Muchas escenas del film La vida es bella de Roberto Benigni fueron rodadas aquí. Arezzo además mantiene encantadores rincones que aún nos recuerdan su esplendoroso pasado.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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