Surviving the night in Florence with an anti-mosquitoes kit

Surviving the night in Florence with an anti-mosquitoes kit


Without a doubt, the most unpleasant thing occurring in Florence is mosquitoes. Actually, none of the tourist guides alert (especially to those sensitive to the bites) about this annoying particularity. Thus, it is advisable to get an anti-mosquitoes kit in any supermarket, even if it´s only for one night. I have tried them all and can recommend as most effective the electric type, either liquid or in tablets. Best so to enjoy the pleasure of open windows or a terrace at night. Due to its humidity, mosquito repellents are indispensable in Florence, even during the winter!

Cómo sobrevivir en Florencia de noche: imprescindible, kit antimosquitos

Lo más desagradable de Florencia son, sin duda, los mosquitos. Generalmente las guías turísticas no suelen informar de esta particularidad, que asombra a cualquier persona sensible a sus picaduras que haya estado en la ciudad. Conviene hacerse con un kit antomosquitos en cualquier supermercado aunque solo se vaya a pasar una noche en la capital de Toscana. Los más efectivos —los he probado todos— son los eléctricos, tanto de carga líquida como los de pastillas. El placer de pasar la noche en la terraza o con la ventana abierta se desvanece con las primeras picaduras. Debido a la humedad, los repelentes de mosquitos son indispensables en Florencia, incluso durante el invierno.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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