Shoe master Roberto Ugolini and his traditional atelier in Santo Spirito

Shoe master Roberto Ugolini and his traditional atelier in Santo Spirito


Roberto Ugolini is one of the most prestigious shoemakers in Florence. His workshop is located right at street level, in Via dei Michelozzi 17, in front of the basilica of Santo Spirito, in Oltrarno, as if in old times, when medieval guilds were so present in cities. The business opened twenty-two years ago just like a repair shop, but he soon began to make shoes too, always in Italian and English leather tanned in Italy. It takes thirty hours of work to create a pair of handmade shoes; thus there´s a waiting list over six months to acquire any. Above and below, photos show one of the craftsmen, probably the sexiest shoemaker in the old continent.

Roberto Ugolini: zapatero tradicional en Santo Spirito

Roberto Ugolini es uno de los zapateros tradicionales más prestigiosos de Florencia. Su taller se ubica a pie de calle, en via dei Michelozzi 17, justo en frente de la basílica de Santo Spirito, en Oltrarno, como si de un gremio medieval en pleno siglo XXI se tratara. El negocio abrió hace veintidós años como reparador de calzado, pero a los dos años comenzó a confeccionar zapatos, siempre en pieles italianas e inglesas curtidas en Italia. Treinta horas de trabajo necesitan estos artesanos para crear un par de zapatos hechos a mano. La lista de espera supera los seis meses. En las fotos, probablemente el zapatero más sexy del viejo continente.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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