The gates of Florence

The gates of Florence


The gates of Florence were part of the city´s old defensive border. Sadly, the wall by the northern side of the Arno River was demolished in the 19th century so to pave the way for the main ring road. However, part of the wall located in Oltrarno, at the south side of the Arno, and other gates remain today: Porta San Gallo, Porta San Niccolò, Porta alla Croce, Porta San Frediano, Porta San Giorgio, Porta San Miniato and Porta al Prato. A stroll on a sunny afternoon from Porta San Giorgio to Porta San Miniato — with the ancient wall on one side and the terrific landscape of the Tuscan countryside on the other — is a must; feels like natural Prozac for the senses. 

Las puertas de Florencia

Las puertas de Florencia formaban parte de las murallas de Florencia, antigua estructura arquitectónica defensiva de la ciudad. La muralla de la parte norte del río Arno fue derribada en el siglo XIX para construir las vías principales de circunvalación, aunque dejaron intactas las puertas de acceso. No obstante, parte de la muralla de Oltrarno, al sur del Arno, se mantiene en pie. Porta alla Croce, Porta San Frediano, Porta San Gallo, Porta San Niccolò, Porta San Giorgio, Porta San Miniato y Porta al Prato son las puertas de Florencia que aún conserva la ciudad. Nada como dar un paseo una tarde soleada desde la Puerta de San Giorgio hasta la de San Miniato, contemplando parte de la muralla a un lado y la campiña toscana al otro. Prozac natural para los sentidos.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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