Focacce di funghi e gorgonzola and Bolgheri wine at Foccaccine Bondi

Focacce di funghi e gorgonzola and Bolgheri wine at Foccaccine Bondi


Although located in Via dell’Ariento, at the heart of the vibrant street market of San Lorenzo and next to the central market of Florence, Foccaccine Bondi is not typically crowded, so you don´t need to queue for its delicious focacce di funghi e gorgonzola (2.5 euros) with a glass of Bolgheri (3 euros). In Bondi there is always plenty of room to sit and astonishing decorative elements at which one could stare while lost in an unconscious state of introspection, to which I confess I surrender very often. Above all, I love its melancholic and nostalgic air of village tavern, which in Florence occurs (thank God), quite constantly. Such traditional interior, along with the decoration, looks as if the place was frozen in time. But the best is its senior and affectionate service.
Foccaccine Bondi – Via dell’Ariento 85R – Florence

Focacce di funghi e gorgonzola y copa de Bolgheri en Bondi

A pesar de que se encuentra en Via dell’Ariento, en plena efervescencia del mercado callejero de San Lorenzo y junto al mercado central de FlorenciaFocaccine Bondi no es el típico local abarrotado en el que hay que hacer cola para pedir un par de focacce di funghi e gorgonzola (2,5 euros) y una copa de Bolgheri (3 euros). En Bondi siempre hay sitio de sobra para sentarse y elementos decorativos que rozan el estupor, en los que resulta muy fácil fijar la mirada perdida durante esos momentos inconscientes de introspección a los que me entrego con suma frecuencia. De Bondi, me gusta sobre todo su aire melancólico y nostálgico de taberna de pueblo, lo que en Florencia viene a ser, gracias a Dios, una bendita constante. Interiorismo tradicional y elementos decorativos congelados en el tiempo. Servicio senior y afectuoso.
Focaccine Bondi – Via dell’Ariento 85R – Florencia

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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