Before sunset in Florence

Before sunset in Florence


The sunsets take on greater symbolism when in the sea, a river or in the mountains. Such moment becomes certainly the excuse to visit any bridge in Florence, go to the Piazzale di Michelangelo or even to the Belvedere of Fiesole in order to contemplate a unique Tuscan dusk. I will never stop saying it: Florence is ideal to take a refreshing walk (both, for body and soul) at any time of the day or night. And maybe that’s what hooked me most about the city: the pleasure of walking, acting as an authentic flâneur, is not just a matter of stale romanticism or acting as decadent esthete. The English skies in the paintings of Joseph Mallord William Turner, the French ones in Paul Cézanne´s or by Pierre-Auguste Renoir´s or Van Gogh´s, have nothing to envy to those portrayed in the thousands of photographs that are taken every day, at that precise time, in Florence.

Antes del atardecer en Florencia

Las puestas de sol cobran mayor simbolismo en el mar, en un río o en la montaña. Siempre es una buena excusa acercarse a cualquier puente de Florencia, al piazzale di Michelangelo o incluso al Belvedere de Fiesole para contemplar una singular puesta de sol toscana. Florencia es la ciudad perfecta para dar un paseo reparador (para el cuerpo y el alma) a cualquier hora del día o de la noche; nunca me cansaré de decirlo. Y quizá sea precisamente eso lo que más me engancha a esta ciudad. El placer de pasear, ejercer de auténtico flâneur, no es únicamente una cuestión de rancio romanticismo o de esteta trasnochado. Los cielos ingleses de los cuadros de Joseph Mallord William Turner, o los franceses de Paul Cézanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir o Van Gogh, nada tienen que envidiar a los de las miles de fotografías que cada día se hacen a esas horas de la tarde en Florencia.

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Paco Neumann

Paco Neumann is a journalist, photographer, proofreader, flâneur and perpetual amateur currently living in between Florence, Berlin, Paris and Tenerife. He´s been a regular contributor to fashion, art, trend and lifestyle magazines and worked for news, advertising and communication agencies

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